Rabu, 14 Oktober 2009

That afternoon the weather was so dark and cloudy, a sign of rain will soon fall, and as usual in February was the month of heavy rain, but there are two boys look wrote hastily walked down the path toward the river divides the city mesumai Merangin reply BANGKO.

They came and told me all the way to know that their goal is to cross the river before the rain and came to Sebrang before the rain forest so the river had overflowed.

ihsan: "let kito cepet, kagek trigger naek aeknyo"

ACENG: "iyo bang, but kagek klo er Balek cak mano son?"

ihsan: "relaxed bae .. many caro kagek tuh "

ACENG: "bang okay, I'm not gek klo biso nyebrang, tulungi me yo '

ihsan: "sip, attains security tuh"

After arriving at the river the boys were immediately crossed without hesitation and fiery spirit, because there is a primary goal-be they achieve the opposite there: Garden durian: D.

February is the month of durian were fruitful and begin to mature, according to local tradition inhibitory sumatera people to take durian durian dipohonnya before it falls themselves, and other unique traditions is the durian trees there are shared values, anyone who planted, so if there is fruit that falls can be owners and other citizens come forward yg join fight over new hunt for fallen durians, and when it's time surely mateng duriannya guaranteed.

That's also why the boys are desperate rainy ria, because sure enough when they got across the river and stopped at the hut in the garden of durian, is not quite a garden's because there are only about 4 pot durian trees to bear heavy all coincidence. The rain had started to rain and mists and heavy rain do not forget to be accompanied by a flash of lightning and strong wind gusts. So moments like that which awaited the child, because with the help of the wind, the durian which is old and mature will soon fall, the melody really delicious in hearing, accompanied by rain and lightning and wind noise "thump" from falling durians.

But when it rains the wind should not daring to run ngambil durian because there is a durian can be lodged in my head: |. so both the boy and waited patiently until the rain shivering really abated / drizzle only just. Pretty good while it rained that afternoon, when the clock is expected to show at 4:30 pm the rain had stopped and only a drizzle.

ACENG: "let's bang ambek duriannyo kito"

ihsan: "always wait kagek soon, kalu ado still a kid falling durian"

Shortly after waiting two boys out of the hut and began to hunt for durian-durian which was lying and was taken and collected in the hut.

ihsan: "Itung kito ado berapo results iko afternoon?"

ACENG: "ado to 24 fruit fly, mayan lah .. hehe "the pleasure of this ACENG.

ihsan: "ouch many jugo yo, cak ni mano bawaknyo?, for the duo kao yo bae take me 12 seeds 12 seeds". Durian was the dibagilah evenly ihsan
> tukar

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